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Friday 29 June 2012

Film Idea . . .

Short film plan . . .

Genre: Action/Thriller
Lost Young Teen

Idea of the type of film i want to do, but am not sure yet if i wanna do it or not, because i need some time to think of a good idea

Plot  . . .
A young teenager boy who is getting kidnapped by a serial killer, his father is a police cop.

It was early in the morning, Adam was strolling to school with his mate. Adams mate was walking fast listening to his music and not caring about whats happening around him whereas Adam was two steps away from his mate, Danny. 
Whilst Danny &Adam were strolling to school, two other men were behind them but both these teens do not realise this as their in their own world, Then suddenly. . .  Adam screams out loud.
Two days later, Danny comes to Adams father and tells him what has happened and Adams father shutters when he is hearing what Danny says, and is seriously shocked, at first he doesn't believe Danny but then he goes and searches for the killer. However, it was hard for the father to find the killer as it wasn't easy to discover who was the one who kidnapped his son. It was near to evening and the father (Police Cop) got really frustrated, he had no other option but needed help so he asked help from other police cops to help him out but they promised him that they will look at the case in few days as they were busy investigating two other crimes. However we don't know if this young boy, Adam is alive or dead. 
Adams sister, Sarah is from a care home as she had been through a lot of problems since she was a teenager so shes been away from her parents and siblings for 3 years and is with other people who are in the same position as her but misses her parents a lot but has no other option but to stay there, however somehow she finds out about her brother Adam and is shocked, Sarah faints . . . 
During the evening, Sarah is taken to hospital and her parents had no other option but to come and see their daughter as she was really unwell, twenty minutes later Sarah opens her eyes and sees her parents in front of her, she has a slight smile on her face and Sarah's parent were happy to see her after such a long time.
Doctor tells Sarah's parents that she's better now after seeing you lot and can get dismissed, Sarah's parents are happy.

One week later, the police cop contacts Adams dad and tells him that your son is found but he has been hurt severely and Adams dad panics. The police takes Adam to the hospital to see what is wrong with him, Adams parent also rushes towards the hospital as they are panicking to see their son. The doctors starts checking his heart to see if he's breathing or not. the doctors investigated that Adam wasn't breathing properly and also he had a head injury and they told Adams parents that they will try and save his son in the next 24 hours. Adams mum was crying out loud saying 'Please save my son'.

The police try to investigate who these serial killers were that attacked Adam so they look around the place to see if their is any evidence. The police couldn't find any evidence so they couldn't carry out the investigation, so they had no other option but to leave it.
After two hours, the doctors who were looking after Adam who was hurt severely, they had to tell Adams parent bad news  . . .  Your son is no more


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