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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Audience Theories

Hypodermic Needle Model Theorie: Dated from the 1920
- How the audience react to the mass media and the media was seen fairly new to the audience 
- The audience receiving information through media text and that the message is accepted by the audience
- The audience has no role in interpreting with the text
an example of the concept of women
Uses & Gratifications
- State that people uses the media text in many ways, the main four ways they see the media . . . 
Entertainment/Diversion: enjoyable and an emotional release
Information: a form of education and get information through media 
Social Relationship: the media is part of a social life (For example: tumbler, twitter, Facebook)
Personal identity: media produces the reflect of our own values and concepts towards the media; the ideal and hopes.

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