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Monday 26 September 2011

StoryBoard; First few minutes of what will happen . . .

Reason's to know truth

There is two girls and 2 boys, its located in east london at a party.
Its in a nice dark place and there is lots of light like a disco, lots of food and drinks

A guy wants to take revenge on one of the girls named Aisha, because she is one of them girls who would play with you and  make you heartbroken so she did this too robert and robert found out two days later and he;s kept quiet but now he wants to take revenge in the party but he wants to do it secretly so Aisha doesn't know, so he sets up a plan, he decides to arrive at the party late. 

The crew of people, the girls and boys are on the dancefloor dancing, drinking and enjoying themselves.
the guy comes through the door and joins the two girls and his mate; their all drinking and dancing.

everyone is busy so this guy grabs the girl in his arm and starts talking to her and dancing, They walk towards the bar and they both have a drink
the girl turns around and hugs her friend and this guy quickly adds some powder to her drink.
The girl turns back and starts talking to the guy then she leans and grabs her drink and starts drinking it, shes ok at first and then she stands up she feels really weak and dizzy, Suddenly she drops and everyone is overally shocked . . . everyone started glaring at the guy thinking he did something to the girl well we will see what happens.

This is the main few minutes of the scene then the title pops up . . .

two girls; Aisha,Rebecca
and Robert
aisha was wid rebecca at the begining, before the party started
[Robert is the one who takes revenge on Aisha]

Thursday 22 September 2011

Popular Briitish Film . . .

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire has been honoured by The American Film Institute (AFI), whose 13 jury members have listed it as one of this year’s eight “Moments of Significance in Film, TV and Web. Slumdog Millionaire is a fictitious story about an 18-year-old Indian, who wins India’s version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, reports Contact music. It was produced in 2008 by a westerner.

It was appealed to Americans with its "rags to riches" story of a deprived youth from the slums of Mumbai, India, who used pluck, luck and an astonishing memory of incidents in his life and its target for young adults.

Slumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British epic romantic drama adventure film directed by Danny Boyle, written by Simon Beaufoy, and co-directed in India by Loveleen Tandan.
'Slumdog Millionaire' the Mumbai based potboilers about a street urchin's struggle to find true love has become UK's most successful movie of 2008. The film's success at the Academy Awards led to it seeing large increases in takings elsewhere in Europe the following week.

By Seliina

Questions & Answers

How does a film get made, who is involved and what are their jobs?
The process of making a film, from an initial story, idea, or commission, through scriptwriting, shooting, editing, directing and screening the finished product before an audience that may result in a television program. Filmmaking takes place all over the world in a huge range of economic, social, and political contexts, and using a variety of technologies and cinematic techniques. Typically, it involves a large number of people, and takes from a few months to several years to complete, although it may take longer if there are production issues. The producer, who decides if the idea could be made into a great film. It's their job to pitch the idea to get money for the film. They also choose who will write the script, and who will the director can visualise a script and make it a reality.

What does a director do?

Directors will make the big decisions. Writers will give those scripts, but directors get to interpret those scripts and decide how they should become movies, plays, or TV shows. Actors perform, but directors will decide if they need to be funnier, be more serious, say their lines faster, or any other number of small changes to fit the overall vision of the show. Directors also help cast (find actors,) help choose music, and help decide on costumes. In animation, they may even help choose the colours that will be used. They certainly have a lot of people that help them, but the directors’ creative decisions are usually the final ones. It is their responsibility to make sure the film, TV show, or play looks good when it is done. The director directs the action for the movie. He is in total control outside administration things like paychecks. He tells the actors what to do, ensure the sets are right, establishes the camera angles, controls the lighting and has a say in the editing’s.

What comes first, script or finance?
Script comes before finance so this means script comes first.

How can casting help to get the film made?
The casting director finds actors to fill the parts in the script. This normally requires that actors audition. casting process sometimes involves a series of auditions before a casting panel, composed of individuals such as the producer, director and/or choreographer.

In the early stages of the process, performers often may present prepared audition pieces such as monologues or songs. Later stages may involve groups of actors attempting material from the work under consideration in various combinations; the Casting Director considers both the talent of the individual actors and the chemistry of their combination.

Who is responsible for marketing?

The thing to remember is that, in reality, the marketing department crosses over into the entire company. Everyone in your company should be aware of the marketing message, visions, and goals of the company, and should reflect that message in everything they do that is related to the product and your customers. This is referred to as Integrated Marketing Communications, and means that every contact with customers and potential customers, whether it's through advertising, personal contact, or other means, should carry a consistent message about the company and product. In effect, every employee is a sales person, and every employee is a customer service representative. If they give mixed messages about what your business is, then your customers and potential customers will have a distorted picture.

Where do ideas for films come from?

The ideas come from everywhere, for example internet, magazine, newspaper, books and talking about it through conversations and radio.

How does a film reach the right audience?

By communication, the intended message is directly received and wholly accepted by the receiver or by marketing.

By Seliina Osmanii

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Analysis of the opening scene of three movies . . .


The opening scene, the music sounds creepy and gloomy, Then genre seemed as it was horror or a thriller psychological scene.
The background red/brown and black created a picture of the sense of the genre.

Sound; music track was a slow paste and sounded creepy, it grabs peoples attention and the sound track is non-diagetic.

The connotation puts you on the edge, makes you nervous and the words jump out at you, it sounds as if the movies going to be horror.
the editing of the scene we watched had different shots and the focus changes which grabs our attention.

The Iconography:
Cut up pictures which suggested the targets
The scribbling of the face portrayed death
Creating a book which showed a task and the razor blade which suggested an icon very sharp and dangerous.


The start of the scene was rattling noises which sounded creepy, then the scraping noise made me feel as if something horrid was going to happen, however the zoom in of the shot of the black background looked scary and frightening.
The knife suggesting danger/killing. The set in shows its not in a real world, most of the shots are zoomed in to show a close up of the scene.

The way the man pops up from the bin and he's peaking, with his eyes popping out. He seemed really scared and terrified. The man holding knife and bringing it forward towards him suggested he was going to kill him, the snap shot of the knife ending with the title showed that this film will be horror.

City of god

Then scarping of knife at the start portrays killing/danger, However the tone of music sounds like a adventure. The blood on the plate looked disgusting, looked as if something got killed.
The way the people were running after the chicken showed the paste of chicken was fats so it was hard for them too catch it.
The car came, the chicken was under it, at first it felt as if the chicken got crushed but however it didn't and the guys standing in front took their guns out if the other guy didn't save the chicken then they would have killed him.
At the end the boys monologue felt as if he had to do what the men said and if he didn't save the chicken then they would have killed him which portrayed he was in danger and threatened by the mens.

Monday 19 September 2011

Denotations & Connotations in the Three Colours Blue

What is actually in the scene, the devoid of emotion, attitude, and color and what we see and hear.
It’s what we see in the film/movie, also suggesting the meaning or emotion; however it’s also described as something being positive or negative.

Director; a polish guy

The denotations we see in the first part of the film is we hear and see a car, a person inside the car and her windows open she leans over and rustles a piece of aluminium foil outside the window, however we also see a car passing and the car gets hit towards the tree and little girl runs away.

The connotations we see is oil dripping which show a close up shot and the camera movement goes side to side which means this is a panning shot, which also suggest that the dripping shows a sign of life drifting away that’s why the car had an accident.

In this part of the scene the father seems really tired and exhausted because he’s droved alot. The colour of the scene portrays it was set out early in the morning.

Sunday 18 September 2011

First Five Minutes, Review of Three Movie's

[East is East]

The first introduction had a slow music introduction to make it seem interesting and it started off with who and what was in the movie, it’s a movie of a English women who married a Pakistani man and they had two kids, one was religious and the other one didn’t want to be same race as parent. However it’s a comedy/drama.

East is east is about cultural differences and the difficulties of assimilation. It's about the dangers of losing one's unique identity when leaving behind one country for another. Above all, however, it's about family dynamics, and how children inevitably rebel against their parents' beliefs and traditions - that's how they grow and become independent.

it became a film festival hit before being released in its country of origin.

 [The Inbetweeners]

 The second film I watched was the inbetweeners, the start of the movie portray the showing of the film and title; it also tells us when the film was released and the background music was jolly, however its one of those movies where you can watch again and again and again and you wouldn’t get bored of it, its comedy and has a good storyline.

 [Kite Runner]

The third film I watched was kite runner, the opening scene showed images of the main theme of the film and the background song was slow, however it was a emotional film it had a interesting storyline. It’s also an international best-selling movie.

The film's most wider interest in themes of guilt, displacement, honour and conflicting traditions, while his sensitivity to the emotional responses of his characters – both adult and child – is never overwhelmed nor upstaged by his incorporation of challenging dramatic scenes (such as a startlingly brutal stoning of an adulterous couple in a Kabul stadium). Likewise, the film’s belief in the power of redemption and its subtle assertion of the need for moral courage in personal (or political) conflict is never allowed to get in the way of its boldly told, intelligent, informed and affecting story.

The media is vital to modern life

Power of the media can transform the whole society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass destruction'. But I think the most important use of media is to educate the people about the basic human rights.

 In my opinion media plays a vital role in everyone's life. It solves their problems. It gives them choices as many new media and channels are coming up. Yes sometimes it sensationalizes the news items but again I feel that media is something that is must for today. It helps and provides vital information to the people.

 The mass media allow us to find out what is happening around the world. This shows that the media is important because it allows us to find out information from around the world, however we also use the media for our own uses such as socialization, communication and entertainment and this may cause us to become too attached and rely on it.

 Media plays an important role. It’s a mirror of the society. It's duty is to inform, educate and entertain the people but nowadays we see that media is not doing its duty honestly. Instead of giving important information and educative programme it is giving emphasis to sensationalize the public.  Power of the media can transform the whole society especially in the developing countries it can be used as a 'weapon of mass destruction'. But I think the most important use of media is to educate the people about the basic human rights.
The dilemma of the developing countries is that people are not fully aware of their basic rights and if they know, they don't know about what to do and where to go. They don't know their collective strength. Even they don't know how to protest and what is the importance of protests. Media should portray the facts. They should not transform the reality. Education and discipline is key to progress. This is the difference between a nation and a crowd. Media men have access to people and they have an audience. Their programs have an impact and people listen to them.

That's why they are more responsible for the betterment of the society. They should work to educate the people, to help the people and to liberate the people and to empower the people. Media plays a very important role in the building of a society. Media has changed the societies of world so much that we can't ignore its importance. First of all we should know what the media is. Media is a source of information or communication.
Media includes sources like print media and electronic media. Newspapers, magazines and any other form, which is written or printed, is included in print media and in electronic, media radio, television and Internet etc. are included.